Onsite PPA: Perspectives from key ASEAN economies

With climate change set to adversely impact assets and economies in ASEAN, renewable energy is rising to the fore as a key solution to providing affordable electricity for powering economic growth.

While renewable energy infrastructure projects require upfront capital investments to build, they can for most parts be operated at very low cost and are thus becoming increasingly attractive to a broad number of end-users.

There are many moving pieces affecting the adoption of clean energy projects in ASEAN; however, however all independent power projects feature onsite or offsite power purchase agreements (“PPAs”). This article aims to examine the traditional onsite power purchase agreement models prevalent in various ASEAN jurisdictions, in particular for use with regards to solar photovoltaic (“PV”) systems.

Co-authored by carefully selected local legal counsel in various jurisdictions across South East Asia & connected via our Bird & Bird Plus programme, this article summarises licencing requirements, government subsidies, and standard features applicable to PPAs and independent power producers (“IPPs”) in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Further details can be found in the document.

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