About Me

I am head of Patent Intelligence and a partner at Bird & Bird LLP, as well as the founder of twoBirds Pattern, Bird & Bird's patent intelligence consultancy offering.

I specialise in patent portfolio analytics, valuation and landscaping, and both the legal and analytical aspects of royalty rate determinations and multi-jurisdictional patent disputes. I also have experience in: licensing negotiation; as a testifying expert witness in patent intelligence for large international disputes, especially with regard to FRAND valuation methodologies and patent data relating to standard-essential patents (SEPs); and in advising on the establishment of licensing programs and program rates.

Although I have broad experience advising on multi-jurisdictional patent disputes and patent portfolio analytics, I have particular expertise in valuing and landscaping large patent portfolios, determining patent portfolio royalty rates, analysing SEPs, and guiding patent dispute and portfolio strategy.

The Pattern offering relies on a unique blend of legal knowledge and analytical skills to assist clients with managing and enforcing their patent portfolios or defending themselves from enforcement actions. We utilise: data-driven analytical and economic methodologies; cutting-edge technology; and court-approved principles to generate robust and defensible results. Pattern has been recognised by several innovation awards, including by the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers award, where it was given the highest ranking as a 'Standout Innovation'.

I'm passionate about science and technology. I have represented the firm at CES for several years and I regularly speak on the future of technology and how it will transform our society. I am also a member of our esports Sector group and I organise regular esports networking events and tournaments for clients.

My client work spans multiple sectors, including telecoms, electronics, IT, media, life sciences and pharmaceuticals.

I am part of the Intellectual Property practice, the Technology & Communications sector group, and the Legal Technology focus group in London. I am also a member of AIPPI and the British Patent Information Professionals group (BPIP).
  • A large part of my experience comes from leading the Pattern team, i.e. Bird & Bird's patent intelligence offering, which I founded to solve the issues facing our clients in an increasingly data-driven world.
  • In recent years, I have been involved in several complex, high-value international arbitrations and litigations, dealing with royalty rate determinations for worldwide patent portfolio licences, including standard essential patents under FRAND terms (as well as a host of contractual and competition law issues).
  • In addition, I have wide-ranging experience in contentious patent disputes relating to patent infringement and validity proceedings, as well as in licensing negotiations and patent valuation, including as a testifying expert.
  • In addition to my work in patent analytics and contentious matters, I have experience in helping clients predict the future of technology and dealing with technological-related disruption. I also advise on transactional IP matters, especially IP licensing.


  • University of Cambridge in 2007 with a Master of Natural Sciences (MSci) in neuroscience and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in biochemistry
  • Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from the University of Law


  • Admitted to practice in England & Wales March 2012
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Developed a patent valuation offering, Pattern, that enables companies to value and benchmark thousands of patents in their portfolios quickly and accurately. The offering has been used in multiple billion-dollar licensing cases. Commended: Matt Noble

Financial Times (FT) Innovative Lawyers Award 2018 - Standout Innovation

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High Court finds that there is no proprietary estoppel for “late” declarations of standard essential patents under English law – Optis and Unwired Planet v Apple

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A detailed examination by the twoBirds Pattern team of the 3G and 4G standard essential patents licensed through Avanci indicates that the platform is the dominant player in both markets

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