In a world which puts an increasing value on information, databases are likely to be of growing commercial importance.
1. Why Protect Databases?
The Concept of a database. Why databases need legal protection. The database publisher's function. Intellectual property rights databases.
2. Why Protect Databases?
The concept of a database. Why databases need legal protection. The database publisher's function. Intellectual property rights databases.
3. United Kingdom Legal Protection of Databases
Pre- 1998 copyright in tables and compilations. Protection of computer-generated works. Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations (SI 1997/3032). Amendments to the copyright provisions of the CDPA. Database right.
4. International Instruments and Proposals for the Legal Protection of Databases
The Berne Convention. The TRIPs Agreement. The proposed WIPO Database Treaty. US database protection proposals.
5. Other Forms of Legal Protection for Databases
Available alternative forms of protection. Contract. Confidentiality and trade secrets. Patents and trade marks. Data protection and privacy.
6. Conclusions
Copyright as a protector of creativity. The sui generis database right as a protector of investment. Protection of information contained in databases. Protection of databases and information through the protection of search engines. Impact of technology on database compilation, management and searching. Summation.