'José Rivas' interview with Commissioner Almunia', Issue 1, pp. 1–10
'The Reform of European Distribution Law', Romano Subiotto, Camille Dautricourt, Issue 1, pp. 11–50
'Competition Law versus FRAND Terms in IT Markets', Rolf H. Weber, Issue 1, pp. 51–71
'Driving Innovation: A Case for Targeted Competition Policy in Dynamic Markets', Jonathan Galloway, Issue 1, pp. 73–96
'Ne Bis in Idem, Part 'Bis'', Frédéric Louis, Gabriele Accardo, Issue 1, pp. 97–112
'A Tale of Two Mergers: Irish Merger Policy after the Heineken and Kerry Decisions', Patrick Massey, Issue 1, pp. 113–137
'The AmBev Decision and the Regulation of Economic Power in Brazil: At a Crossroads between the US and the EU Competition Law Models', Laíse Da Correggio Luciano, Issue 1, pp. 139–155
'Criminalizing Cartels in Greece: A Tale of Hasty Developments and Shaky Grounds', Vasiliki Brisimi, Maria Ioannidou, Issue 1, pp. 157–176
'ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Proof of Conspiracy Under Federal Laws (2010)', Spencer Weber Waller, Issue 1, pp. 177–177
'Cleary Gottlieb Antitrust Developments in Europe 2009, edited by Romano Subiotto QC and Robbert Snelders. (Cleary Gottlieb and Lexis Nexis, 2010)', Valentine Korah, Issue 1, pp. 178–178
'EU Competition Law – An Analytical Guide to the Leading Cases, 2nd edn, by Ariel Ezrachi. (Hart Publishing)', Valentine Korah, Issue 1, pp. 178–179
'Economics and the Enforcement of European Competition Law, by Christopher Decker. (E. Elgar, 2009)', Abel M. Mateus, Issue 1, pp. 179–180
'Competition Law, Innovation and Antitrust: An Analysis of Tying and Technological Integration, by Hedvig Schmidt & Edward Elgar. (2009)', Abel M. Mateus, Issue 1, pp. 181–182
'An Institutional Assessment of Antitrust Policy. The Latin American Experience, by Ignacio de León. (Wolters Kluwer, 2009)', Julián Peña, Issue 1, pp. 182–183
'Global Competition Law Centre, Massimo Merola & Denis Waelbroeck (eds.) Towards an Optimal Enforcement of Competition Rules in Europe. Time for a Review of Regulation 1/2003? (Bruylant, 2010)', Geoffroy van de Walle de Ghelcke, Issue 1, pp. 183–184
'Global Competition: Law, Markets and Globalization, by David Gerber. (Oxford University Press, 2010)', Michal S. Gal, Issue 1, pp. 185–186