Merger Control

Merger control rules vary from country to country. We regularly handle merger control filings and submissions on a multi-jurisdictional basis, Our integrated network of competition experts bring extensive experience of all aspects of the merger review process across multiple jurisdictions. Our sector knowledge and streamlined approach allow us to work in small teams, helping you manage legal costs effectively.

  • Feasibility analysis: With experience in handling complex merger control cases, the insights of former competition officials, and in-depth sector knowledge, we provide precise advice on the feasibility of your transactions.
  • Merger filing obligations: We provide pragmatic, risk-oriented advice on global merger filing requirements, helping you to stay compliant.
  • SPA negotiations: We are skilled in drafting merger control clauses, including complex clauses covering referral and/or remedy scenarios. Our experience in managing merger control filings worldwide can give you realistic timelines for merger control proceedings, so long-stop dates are managed effectively.
  • Merger control representation: We have significant experience drafting notifications and representing companies in pre-notification discussions with the authorities over jurisdiction, market definition, or allocation of turnover. We can also support on phase I and II investigations and the negotiation and implementation of commitments. Our practical guidance covers information exchange and cooperation during the period between signing and closing, and clean team or ring-fencing arrangements.
  • FDI and FSR expertise: We support both domestic and cross-border transactions, in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the EU's Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR). We’re adept at dealing with the increased scrutiny on subsidies given by non-EU governments and can guide you through the new procedural and substantive rules that apply, helping streamline your notification processes.

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