We can help you mitigate against these risks at the earliest possible stage of any complex project, working with you to ensure that the right dispute clauses are carefully drafted at the contractual stage. We’re ready to represent you in all forms of disputes, including international arbitration, mediation, and litigation before national and local courts.
We leverage our sector-specific knowledge in areas including Energy & Utilities, Transport, Aerospace and Tech & Comms, alongside our extensive experience in contentious work for the construction and engineering industry. We are familiar with all forms of international construction and engineering contracts, including all FIDIC forms.
Whether your business is in utilities, government departments, non-departmental public bodies or central government and the health sector, we’ll utilise our vast knowledge of public sector procurement to support your needs.
If you’re a supplier or consortium member, we can help you with a wide range of supply, services, outsourcing and PPP procurement projects with public sector bodies, with expertise in central government and health sector work and medical or technology projects.