EU Trade Defence

Where European industry is confronted with unfair trade practices of non-EU exporters, such practices can be offset by European Union trade defence action. Conversely, non-EU based companies may be confronted with trade defence proceedings against them.

Our team guides clients through complex and high-profile EU trade defence procedures and investigations including assisting companies in submitting or defending against complaints, liaising with the Commission’s trade directorate, filing comments to Commission disclosure documents, attending hearings and representing companies in trade defence proceedings in front of the European Union Courts.

Recently, the team has been involved in a significant EU outreach program for a European multinational in a trade defence case and a high-profile EU anti-dumping matter. We have a strong working relationship with European Union officials including at the Commission’s Directorate-General for Trade and the Cabinet of Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström.

Our experience includes:

  • analysing the feasibility of considered anti-dumping and anti-subsidy complaints;
  • acting on behalf of one or more European enterprises or associations in view of preparing anti-dumping and/or anti-subsidy complaints;
  • guiding clients through EU anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings including legal representation at  hearings organised by the Hearing Officer as well as in proceedings before the European Union courts;
  • advising on the Trade Barrier Regulation;
  • preparing and submitting requests for EU safeguard measures;
  • submitting of refund applications with regard to non-EU anti-dumping and countervailing duties.

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