
In my view, Bird & Bird fulfils all the requirements for an attractive professional life

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marina moorkamp module
Marina Moorkamp


As an associate in our Commercial Practice Group in Düsseldorf, I focus on advising our German and international clients, in particular on conducting complex litigation proceedings and on commercial contracts.

The interaction between colleagues (at all hierarchy levels) is very cordial and I appreciate the open-door policy. 
Marina Moorkamp 

The client work is varied and ranges in the Commercial team from handling large-volume legal proceedings to drafting and reviewing contracts. I find it unusual that even newcomers have direct client contact right from the start and are directly involved in the client work. I also appreciate that a lot of emphasis is placed on the training of young lawyers. This training includes not only consulting with experienced colleagues, but also the additional offers, such as the Bird & Bird Academy or the lecture series "Beyond the horizon".