Next session: Employment Law Essentials - Work's council election

Is it true that in Germany an employee cannot be terminated under any circumstance? Is the administrative burden for employers in Germany really so extensive? Are employees forbidden to work on Sundays? Do all employees in Germany have a company car? Are works councils always a headache?

These and many others are common questions and prevailing myths that are regularly raised by our international clients, who are often apprehensive of German employment law. 

The German Employment Team invites you to a series of bi-monthly webinars on Employment Essentials in Germany to help you avoid the most common pitfalls, and to give you a general understanding of critical aspects of German employment law.

Next session: Work's council election

Regular work's council elections are coming up in spring next year, thus, it is just the right time for refreshing knowledge.

Regardless of whether this topic is new territory for you, or whether you are already familiar with the works council election process in your company, there are still a number of formalities to pay attention to.

Together with Lexology, we are delighted to invite you to our next session, where our employment experts

  • take a look at the key facts,
  • including the recent changes in the law and
  • share practical insights from their broad experience in the context of work's council elections. 

Join us on November 23!

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