This webinar will present the practical implications of the so-called ECN+ Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1) to be transposed in the Member States by February 2021. This Directive aims to empower the competition authorities of Member States to be more effective enforcers and thus to ensure the proper functioning of the internal market.
The webinar will focus on the main powers and tools provided for by the Directive and their expected impact for the enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU at national level.
• Analysis of the provisions of the ECN+ Directive and their main objectives
• Impact on the NCAs’ enforcement powers
• Practical implications for undertakings
• Lisa Arsenidou, Policy Officer, Unit A4 - European Competition Network and Private Enforcement, DG Competition, European Commission
• Alexandra Badea, Policy Officer, Unit A4 - European Competition Network and Private Enforcement, DG Competition, European Commission
• Tobias Brenner, Policy Officer, Unit G1- German and European Antitrust Law and ECN, Bundeskartellamt
• José Rivas, Competition & EU Partner, Bird & Bird
• Wouter Devroe, Professor of EU and Competition Law at the Universities of Leuven and Maastricht; Of Counsel, Allen & Overy LLP
Who should join?
Staff of national competition authorities, lawyers in private practice, in-house counsel.
Taking part in the discussion
You can address questions to the speakers in the chat box that will appear on your screen during the live stream. The Chair will read your question to the respective speaker who will answer your question verbally.
Click here to see more information about this webinar organised by the ERA - Academy of European Law