Modern slavery and Ethical, Social and Corporate Governance - The advantages to businesses in doing the right thing

Ensuring the rights of workers and working conditions in supply chains should be a core part of corporate compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Recent investigations highlighting poor pay and working conditions of UK clothing manufacturing workers have been the subject of concerning newspaper headlines. In some cases, concerns were raised not only in relation to working practices, pay, health and safety, but also to suspicions that there may be issues of human trafficking, tax evasion and tax fraud.

What are the lessons that we can learn from these incidents? And how can businesses ensure they not only remain compliant, but address wider reaching consequences such as as fraud, tax evasion, health and safety breaches, immigration offences and reputational risk. Join our panel of subject matter experts for an interactive webinar to discuss:

  • What is modern slavery? An exploration of the different kinds of modern slavery, sector and geographic prevalence and how these play out in today’s workplace
  • Treatment of breaches.
  • Employment issues associated with modern slavery
  • How are today’s businesses responding to public scrutiny? Do they understand the correlation between ethical workplaces and brand reputation?
  • Raising awareness of modern slavery issues – part of the fabric of your corporate culture or a compliance box ticking exercise?
  • Anticipated changes to the Modern Slavery Act. How can you prepare?
  • Furlough fraud: issues arising around exploitation of government job retention schemes relating to COVID-19
We look forward to hosting you virtually at what is sure to be a lively and engaging session.

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