What does it mean to be ‘green’? A guide to green advertising claims, Thursday 28 2022

Following our successful 2021 event, Bird & Bird are delighted to invite you to our second global webinar on the “Do’s and Don’ts” of Green Advertising taking place on 26th and 28th April. We are holding two events to ensure the event is accessible to those in different time zones.

Green advertising is an umbrella term for advertising products or services by reference to their environmental benefits, for example in relation to sustainability, renewable resources, recycling, carbon footprint or similar. Consumers are paying ever-greater attention to the environmental impact of the products they purchase. Unsurprisingly, an increasing range of products from every sector are advertised with various green claims in an effort to attract consumers and establish the advertiser’s environmental credentials. However, green claims can be highly regulated, and falling on the wrong side of the law can lead to damaging publicity and even the removal of non-compliant products from the shelves.

So what does it mean to be ‘green’?

In our webinar, we will:

  • give an overview of initiatives relating to green advertising in Europe, Asia Pacific and the UAE;
  • highlight actions taken by local enforcement authorities in this area;
  • give practical guidance on helping your green claims stay on the right side of the law; and
  • look at how regulation may develop in the future.


Craig Giles, Partner, UK

Ariane Le Strat, Associate, UK 

Shona O'Connell, Associate, UK

Lisette den Butter, Associate, The Netherlands

Register here for the other webinar on the 26 April 2022

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