EU Foreign Direct Investments regulations webinar: The Nordics - similar, yet so different. Key regional legal issues for you to consider!

Bird & Bird are delighted to invite you to a webinar which will help you successfully navigate the latest developments and legal aspects in the EU FDI regulations. Is increasing deglobalisation justified by protecting national security? At this FDI webinar we will take a closer look at the rationale for the FDI-regulations, the current state of play in the Nordics, the regulatory obligations and the relationship with national screening mechanisms, highlighting national similarities and pointing out some, sometimes surprising, differences.

In the webinar, we will cover:

  • Background to the EU wide screening mechanism
  • Current state of implementation
  • Foreign Direct Investments, the who’s, the what’s and the processes
  • Scopes and which sectors to pay special attention to
  • Deal Terms & Negotiations

Date: September 18
Time: 13.00-14.30 DK and SWE time, 14.00-15.30 FIN time.
Place: Hopin (our easy to use webinar platform)

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