LinkedIn Live - How to balance fundamental rights and data protection?

The European Data Protection Board’s ‘pay or consent’ opinion has far-reaching implications for online businesses that monetize data in Europe. The consequences of this opinion go far beyond the AdTech industry and impact many other businesses across different industries.

Join our LinkedIn Live event on Wednesday 5 June 2024, where our leading panel of privacy experts will discuss the opinion's compliance with EU law and CJEU decisions as well as its potential impact of this opinion on EU businesses, data driven business models and the EU’s data strategy as well the EU digital economy. 

Our leading question will be: How do you balance between the GDPR, other Fundamental Rights and new Digital Regulation when monetising data? We will also unravel the complexities of recent looming enforcement actions like the unprecedented Grindr case and the pivotal case and share a critical view on current regulatory practice. 

Are you ready to deep dive into data protection and other fundamental rights, data monetization, personalised advertising, and ‘pay or consent’ models? 

Register to attend via the RSVP button below. We look forward to welcoming you!

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