How can you prepare for the new Ecodesign Regulation? Ecodesign 101: Navigating the new Regulation

The new Ecodesign Regulation sets the framework for significantly stricter sustainability obligations covering the entire life cycle of virtually all physical products marketed in the EU.

This includes performance and information requirements for products, a Digital Product Passport, a ban on unsold consumer products, and labelling requirements. The new Ecodesign Regulation targets all economic operators in the distribution and supply chain, including manufacturers, importers, dealers, distributors, authorised representatives of manufacturers, fulfilment service providers and operators of online marketplaces and search engines. 

To help you understand and prepare for these upcoming changes, we're hosting a series of workshops focused on the product groups that will be prioritised for setting concrete Ecodesign requirements. We'll kick off with an introductory session, where we'll provide an Ecodesign 101 to navigating the new Regulation.

We hope you can join us!

Please register below, you will receive a confirmation email closer to the time with additional details. 

Can’t wait and want to know more about the Ecodesign Regulation already? Take a look at our dedicated webpage here


19 February  Ecodesign 101: Navigating the New Regulation 
11 March  Sustainable Threads: Ecodesign in Fashion and Furniture 
 9 April  Greening Electronics: Ecodesign in Electric and Electronic Equipment 
13 May   Clean Chemistry: Ecodesign for Detergents and Chemicals 
3 June  Compliance and Consequences: Responsibilities and Sanctions Under the Ecodesign Regulation 



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