NIS2 - assessing the impact on your business in Hungary and the EU

By 30 June 2024 companies within the scope of NIS2 in Hungary need to complete a registration at the SZTFH. This includes companies within the following sectors: energy, transportation, finance, health, water and waste management, digital infrastructure, SaaS, chemicals, food production and distribution, and manufacturing.

Why it matters: The registration is the first step of the new complex cybersecurity compliance regime, including strengthened cybersecurity risk-management and reporting obligations, governance requirements for businesses, and management liability.

Is your organisation prepared to meet these requirements?

We invite you to join our informative webinar NIS2 Directive: assessing the impact on your business in Hungary and the EU on Thursday 23 May, where our Hungarian and international team will join forces to delve into the implications of the NIS2 and its impact on companies operating within and beyond the borders of the European Union.

We are committed to providing support and guidance as you navigate these significant regulatory changes. Our Cyber Legal team has extensive experience and has been instrumental in helping numerous companies understand and adapt to the NIS2 Directive and similar regulations.


10:00 - 10:10 Intro (Dániel Arányi, Partner, Budapest) 
10:10 - 10:30  NIS2 compliance at multinational companies - our experience so far (Feyo Sickinghe, Principal Regulatory Counsel, The Hague)
10:30 - 10:50  Hungarian implementation of the NIS2 directive (Ádám Simon, Counsel, Budapest)


This will be followed by a Q&A session to ensure that we have covered all matters relevant to your business.

Please RSVP using the button below, Teams details will follow. Feel free to share this invitation with any colleagues.

We hope you can join us!

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