Live Webinar Retail & Consumer & Franchise

We are pleased to invite you to our Retail & Consumer & Franchise event, to be held on 19 May 2020. This Retail & Consumer & Franchise event is an introduction to our new Dutch 'Retail & Consumer &'-series where our Retail & Consumer team will provide expert insights into relevant hot topics in the retail market. The events will focus on exploring new developments in legislation together and will also create new networking opportunities. More 'Retail & Consumer &'-events will follow shortly.

Due to COVID-19, our Retail & Consumer & Franchise event will be hosted via a live webinar.

The Retail & Consumer & Franchise session will focus on the new draft franchise legislation in the Netherlands. Bird & Bird laywers Roelien van Neck and Lisette den Butter will present on the Dutch Franchise Act that was submitted to the House of Representatives in the Netherlands on 10 February 2020, and explore the content of the Dutch Franchise Act bill and discuss what the relevant next steps are.

The event is of interest to anyone involved in or planning to be involved in franchising in the Netherlands. It will be held in English.

After the presentations there will be time for questions. Should you in the meantime have any questions regarding one of the topics, please send us an email. We will provide you with dial-in details shortly before the live webinar.

We look forward to welcoming you on 19 May!
15:00 - 15:15  - Opening & introduction
15:15 - 16:45  - Introduction and discussion of the draft Franchise Act
16:45 - 17:00  - Questions

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