Ladies@Bird 2022

On 31 March we will be hosting our exclusive annual Ladies@Bird event for our female clients and contacts. Ladies@Bird is a unique event for business women providing expert insights into relevant hot topics and creating networking opportunities.

This edition will revolve around fashion and technology. What does the future of fashion have in store for all of us? Anne-Christine Polet (Head of HATCH & STITCH) will focus on digitizing the physical process of fashion creation, presentation & sales. All with the aim to create a better, digital, more sustainable future for fashion.

Bird & Bird lawyer Nina Dorenbosch will present on fashion and the metaverse from a legal perspective, touching upon topics like NFTs, virtual goods and gaming.

Before the presentations you will have the opportunity to visit the exhibition "MAISON AMSTERDAM" and get inspired by over 150 creations that portray Amsterdam as a fashion capital with its own entirely unique signature.

After the presentations you are invited for drinks and bites hosted by 't Nieuwe Kafe.



De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam
Dam 12
1012 NL


14:30 - 15:30 Opportunity to visit the exhibition:
 15:30 - 16:00  Arrival and refreshments
 16:00 - 16:05  


Manon Rieger-Jansen and Roelien van Neck - Partners,
Bird & Bird
 16:05 - 16:35  

'Digitizing the process of fashion creation, presentation & sales'

Anne-Christine Polet - Head of HATCH & STITCH
 16:35 - 17:05  

'Fashion and the metaverse – the legal angle'

Nina Dorenbosch - Associate, Bird & Bird
 17:05  Drinks & bites


Please send us an email if you would like to receive more information about Ladies@Bird.

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