The ABCs of employee holiday planning

Creating the perfect holiday schedule for your employees can be quite a head scratcher. Who decides when employees can go on holiday and is the employee required to go on holiday during the summer period? What happens if an employee refuses to go on holiday, or wants to combine holiday and parental leave in a way that makes it difficult for other colleagues to cover their time off? Can an employer withdraw granted leave, and can an employee choose to terminate their on-going holiday? During this seminar, we will explain the "ABCs of employee holiday planning", where we will also share helpful tips on how employers should reason and prepare for the upcoming holiday period in 2023.


Breakfast and Networking 08:30-09:00 
 Seminar 09:00-10:30 


This event will be held in Swedish. 


Bird & Bird Advokat KB
Norrdlandsgatan 15, Box 7714
SE-103 95

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