Compliance in Aviation & Commercial Aerospace: key drivers

Given the growing concerns around COVID-19 and to safeguard and help prevent the spread of the 2019 novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have decided that we will no longer be hosting the Compliance in Aviation & Commercial Aerospace as an event but it will take place as a Webinar. Originally there was an option for you to attend in person but given the current situation, we would believe it would be in everyone's best interest to run it as a webinar only.

 With compliance playing an increasingly important role in today's world, all commercial aviation businesses – be they airlines, aircraft manufacturers, suppliers, or service businesses – must comply with various international laws, including money laundering directives and anti-bribery legislation. Many businesses have established effective anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) procedures and implemented robust training and ethics programmes. Maintaining an effective compliance programme is not a perfect science, however: weaknesses can sometimes appear and ongoing monitoring and review is vital. Business sometimes struggle when they encounter grey areas and are unsure when to conduct a full investigation, how to do it, and how to deal with regulators.

Join our panel of Aviation, Compliance and Dispute Resolution subject matter experts who'll examine the key drivers for compliance, outline the key elements of establishing an effective compliance programme, and discuss some of the challenges specific to aviation that are typically encountered in the day-to-day running of a business. We'll also take a look at how aviation businesses should conduct an investigation and give practical advice on how best to deal with regulators.

The event is aimed at anyone involved with compliance and investigations in civil aviation and is part of Bird & Bird's Aviation Compliance programme: a forum for members of the industry to network with peers, hear about the latest industry trends and developments, share common experiences and challenges and learn from others.

We look forward to hosting you at what is sure to be a lively and engaging session.

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