Recent Developments in Singapore's Patents Scene

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huileng tan module
Hui Leng Tan

Senior Patent Attorney

I work as a senior patent attorney in Bird & Bird's Intellectual Property & Technology Group in Singapore, where I specialise in life sciences. I work with a broad range of clients, from local SMEs to foreign MNCs.

Singapore has recently seen developments in its patents scene with the government's efforts to enhance the nation's patents system. This update sets out an overview of these developments:

  1. Launch of the Patents Open Dossier and Patents Formalities Manual by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore ("IPOS")
  2. Public consultation issued by the Ministry of Law and IPOS to gather feedback on the proposed changes to Singapore's patents regime


The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore ("IPOS") has officially launched the Patents Open Dossier and Patents Formalities Manual to provide the public with better access to patent information as well as IPOS's patent prosecution practices and requirements.

A. Patents Open Dossier

The Patents Open Dossier is an online IP2SG file inspection service, which has been made available from 24 July 2017.

Documents (for example, Search and Examination Reports and Responses thereto) relating to published patent applications filed on or after 14 February 2014 can be accessed on the Patents Open Dossier, except for the following:

  • Cover Letters
  • Supporting Documents and Statements
  • Statutory Declarations or Affidavits
  • Certificates of Grant

This will allow applicants easier access to their patent application records as well as for third parties to monitor the progress of the patent applications of their interest.

B. Patents Formalities Manual

The Patents Formalities Manual was released on 1 August 2017 and is available for download at the IPOS website.

The Patents Formalities Manual provides applicants with a better understanding of the Singapore Patent Registry's prosecution practices and requirements for patent applications filed with the Registry, including both direct applications and ex-PCT national phase applications.


A public consultation has been initiated by Singapore's Ministry of Law and IPOS to gather feedback on the proposed changes to Singapore's patents regime. It is believed that the proposed changes would enhance Singapore’s patent system and increase the quality of patents granted. The period of the public consultation will end on 15 August 2017.

In summary, the following changes have been proposed:

1. Formal Process for Third Party Observations

Under the current patents practice, third party observations can be informally submitted to the Singapore Patents Registry for an Examiner's consideration during the examination process.

The proposed amendments aim to formalise a process for submitting such third party observations so as to provide more clarity and transparency in the process. In particular, it has been proposed that:

  • Any third party can file third party observations after the publication of the patent application and such observations may be made based on any grounds of examination; and
  • An Examiner has the discretion to decide whether the observations should be considered. In general, the Examiner may refuse to consider the observations if the observations are received after the Examiner has commenced drawing up a Written Opinion or an Examination Report.

2. Ex-parte Post-grant Re-examination

An ex-parte re-examination proceeding has been available in other jurisdictions, for example, in the U.S., where any person can request re-examination of a granted patent based on grounds of patentability. There is currently no such mechanism in Singapore.

It has been proposed that:

  • A re-examination request can be made ex-parte at any time after the grant of the patent, provided that there is no other proceeding in which the validity of the patent is challenged.
  • The ex-parte request may be initiated by either the patentee or any third party; and
  • The decision of the Patents Registrar be binding, subject to appeal by the patentee.

The proposed proceeding aims to provide another opportunity for the validity of the patents to be assessed and it is envisaged that this would ensure that only quality patents remain on the Patents Register.

3. Search and Examination Guidelines on Isolated Products from Nature

The proposed amendments are to Chapter 8 of the Search and Examination Guidelines and these amendments aim to clarify the distinction between inventions and discoveries as applied to the issue of isolated products found in nature.

Examples of what represents a discovery and an invention under the proposed amendments are set out as follows:

Examples of a discovery 
Examples of an invention
  • An isolated or purified material or microorganism that occurs in nature.
  • A new use of an isolated or purified material or microorganism that occurs in nature.

Full article available on PatentHub

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