Realizing a wide variety of objectives such as a sustainable energy supply, driving forward the digital transformation, making cross-selling strategies of energy supply companies marketable, finding the best energy suppliers with the help of online comparison portals or containing the fear of a possible "supply gap" are transforming the energy industry into one of the most dynamic industries of our time.
Our associate Christopher Thiel deals with these and other factors influencing the energy industry and highlights the sensitive environment in which energy sales operate. To what extent do these influences bring new challenges, but what potential sources of conflict can also develop? What are the special features to be considered from a legal perspective, which clauses are usually included in energy supply contracts? What problems can courts face in the area of energy-related discretionary powers? How can market participants adapt to the challenges? Why all these questions can increase the number of (extra-)judicial settlements of disputes and to what extent industry companies can take precautions and avoid disputes, you can find out here >>