Tracking the 'slow' progress of implementing new audiovisual rules
Roberto Viola, Director-General of DG Connect at the European Commission, recently expressed his concern to the European Parliament Culture Committee about what he called the very slow progress of the implementation of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD). The AVMS Directive is due to be transposed into national law by Member States no later than 19 September 2020.
This updated AVMS Directive is intended to create a fairer environment for all players, promote European creations, strengthen the independence of national regulators, protect children from harmful content and tackle hate speech more effectively. Stakeholders affected by the revisions will have an interest in monitoring the status of the implementation across the European Union. Bird & Bird has therefore developed an AVMSD implementation tracker which closely follows the transposition processes in the Member States. The AVMSD tracker will be updated regularly, is available free of charge and can be viewed here.
For further information contact: Marianne Minnecré
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