Cybersecurity & Singapore - Disclosures for Listed Companies

Written By

marcus chow module
Marcus Chow


We understand clients' needs, local markets, different business cultures.

jolie giouw module
Jolie Giouw


I am a Counsel in our Corporate and Commercial Group in Singapore. I am involved in a wide range of corporate matters across various sectors, with a focus on corporate finance as well as mergers and acquisitions.

With the spate of cybersecurity incidents on large listed companies, cybersecurity risk has increasingly become a key point that affects investor risk appetite and companies are now subject to certain disclosure requirements in respect of such. This fourth article in our Cybersecurity & Singapore series briefly discusses these disclosure requirements for companies which are intending to list on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST"), as well as those which are already listed on the SGX-ST, specifically those in relation to cybersecurity risks and incidents.

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