I am a corporate lawyer with extensive experience in local and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and collaborations, and other general corporate matters.
Decarbonisation of the energy sector requires an imminent energy transition. The Singapore Government has therefore identified ways to build a smart, sustainable Singapore.
The Cleantech industry offers the chance to decarbonize the energy sector and contributes to the fight against climate change by cutting CO2 emissions. Singapore provides an ideal surrounding for creating a sustainable energy transition – a strong manufacturing sector accompanying the electronics industry, world-class intellectual property regime and a stable and supportive government. The government promotes a vibrant startup ecosystem in which state of the art technology companies start to grow. One of the most important issues for these companies is an Intellectual Property agenda to protect and monetize their IP rights.
Energy transition means decarbonisation through digitalisation. Digital connected electric vehicles play a vital role in reaching the goals of the Smart Mobility 2030 masterplan of Singapore’s Land Transport Authority. Bird & Bird offers help to achieve sustainable solutions by developing new strategies based on the longstanding work and international experience in the commercial and public sector.
For more information on Singapore’s Energy Transition click here