Our UK disputes team is delighted to send you the latest edition of our Dispute Resolution Update featuring a selection of our articles on topical issues and recent legal developments.
Brexit continues to dominate the legal landscape and whilst uncertainty remains our articles on the topic are intended to provide you with practical help as to what you can do now. We are always ready to help so please do email or pick up the phone if you would like to discuss anything with us, not just on Brexit but any of the topics raised below. You will also find copies of all our articles together with other disputes related know how on Disputes+, our easy access disputes knowledge portal. Please click the link below to access Disputes+.
When AI systems cause harm: the application of civil and criminal liability
By Ben Hughes and Russell Williamson
Will the proposed modernisation of the ECT clip the wings of European investor-state arbitration?
By Jalal El Ahdab, Jonathan Choo, William Langran, Garreth Wong
Brexit & Your Contracts
English law and English courts can continue to be used in international contracts after Brexit
By Richard Eccles, Louise Lanzkron
Solving Consumer Disputes after a 'no deal' Brexit – Changes to your T&C's
By Victoria Hobbs, Andrew Cox
European Medicines Agency settles dispute with Canary Wharf Group over Brexit frustration challenge
By Victoria Hobbs, William Alms
In Your Corner
New Treasury Committee Report on IT Failures in the Financial Services Sector
By Jeremy Sharman, Rachel Glass
Court requires contract to continue pending trial MCAFEE Ireland Ltd v DSG Retail Ltd (2019)
By Sophie Eyre, Jacob Webster
Our Country Comparative tool on Disputes+ simplifies this complex area of law allowing you to compare two or more jurisdictions. You can compare different limitation regimes and also different jurisdictions starting points and length of duration before a claim is time barred.
Featured jurisdictions include Australia (new), Belgium, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Poland, Singapore and Sweden.