To our clients, partners and colleagues,
Given the exceptional events and initiatives linked to national and global efforts to slow the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, our partners and collaborators remain at your disposal to advise you and accompany you in the implementation of all the measures initiated by the public authorities to support companies.
A helpdesk has already been set up to keep you informed of the evolution of financial support and the transitional measures that your companies may have recourse to: [email protected].
We will continue to support you on an international level to anticipate, evaluate and respond to all the legal and tax issues generated by this unprecedented situation (impact on ongoing operations, execution of your contracts, reduction of activity, compliance, management of particularly sensitive personal data, financing and restructuring measures in times of crisis, etc.).
Our teams will keep you constantly informed through our websites and social networks about the functioning of the courts, offices and administrations in the various countries concerned by containment measures.
The firm has activated a national and an international service continuity plan. All of our teams, lawyers, administrative and support staff, are remotely connected to the firm's secure server and will ensure perfect continuity of the activity.
You can contact all our lawyers at their usual email address and on their direct lines.
We assure you of our support and our presence at your side throughout this period.
The Bird & Bird Partners in France