The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting our daily lives, as well as entrepreneurs' operations in all business sectors. The state authorities must react fast and adopt legislation aiming at mitigating the COVID-19 negative impacts very quickly.
Below we present a summary of the key changes recently passed in the area of finance in Slovakia. Part 1 discusses debt instalment deferrals, amendments in tax proceedings, VAT changes and customs IP measures, while Part 2 explores the extension of economic aid to "big employers" – so-called "KURZARBEIT" adopted to the Slovak business conditions.
Increase of the limit for contactless payments[2]:
Discontinuance of tax inspections and tax proceedings[3]:
Advance payments relating to income tax[4]:
Measures relating to cash registers[5]:
Customs measures when enforcing IP rights by the customs authorities[6]:
Measures relating to VAT and consumption tax[7]:
Measures relating to public sector property[8]:
To mitigate the negative impact of COVID-19 on employers, the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic has adopted some further measures.
Firstly, economic aid is now also available for big businesses whose operations have been closed due to the pandemic since the maximum limit for contributions in the amount of EUR 800,000 per employer has been cancelled. Employers (including self-employed with employees) may apply for a contribution for salary compensation of an employee in the amount of his/her average salary, in the maximum amount per employee of EUR 1,100, if the employer’s business operations have been closed due to a decision of the Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic.
Secondly, self-employed persons whose operations have been closed, or whose turnover has been decreased as opposed to the same period in 2019, may apply for the contribution relating to the extent of the decrease in their turnovers.
Turnover decrease |
March 2020 |
Turnover decrease |
April 2020 Turnover decrease |
less than 10% |
EUR 0 |
less than 20% |
EUR 0 |
from 10% to 19.99% |
EUR 90 |
from 20% to 39.99% |
EUR 180 |
from 20% to 29.99% |
EUR 150 |
from 40% to 59.99% |
EUR 300 |
from 30% to 39.99% |
EUR 210 |
from 60% to 79.99% |
EUR 420 |
more than 40% |
EUR 270 |
from 80% |
EUR 540 |
Thirdly, employers (including self-employed who are employers) may apply for a contribution to the salary of an employee, if the employee’s position is retained during the pandemic. When applying, the employer may choose between the following options:
a. "Kurzarbeit"
b. Fixed contribution to an employees’ salary
Turnover decrease |
March 2020 |
Turnover decrease |
April 2020 |
less than 10% |
EUR 0 |
less than 20% |
EUR 0 |
from 10% to 19.99% |
EUR 90 |
from 20% to 39.99% |
EUR 180 |
from 20% to 29.99% |
EUR 150 |
from 40% to 59.99% |
EUR 300 |
from 30% to 39.99% |
EUR 210 |
from 60% to 79.99% |
EUR 420 |
more than 40% |
EUR 270 |
more than 80% |
EUR 540 |
Finally, one-person limited companies, self-employed persons who did not pay their contributions into the Social Insurance Agency, and persons conducting work on the basis of agreements other than employment contracts, may apply for economic aid consisting in the contribution in the amount of EUR 105 for March, and EUR 210 for April and May, under the condition their working relationships are not terminated.
[1] Act No. 75/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[2] Act No. 75/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[3] Act No. 96/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[4] Act No. 96/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[5] Act No. 96/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[6] Act No. 96/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[7] Act No. 96/2020 Coll. Full text available here -
[8] Act No. 96/2020 Coll. Full text available here -