Open Banking: The French Comité National des Paiements Scripturaux reports on the state of play of APIs obstacles in France

In a document which has just been published, the PSD2 Account Access Interface Working Group of the French National Cashless Payments Committee (Comité national des paiement scripturaux – “CNPS”) lists the APIs offered by account-keeping institutions that have decided to offer a dedicated interface for access to payment accounts under Article 31 of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/389, the blocking points affecting them and the timetables for their resolution (read the full document here).

Through this document the CNPS provides transparency on the resolution of ongoing blockages on APIs in France.

Among the points of non-compliance declared by French institutions, the main ones are the following:

  • Service interruptions lasting several weeks
  • Lack of an AIS app-to-app pathway
  • Lack of automatic redirection to the third-party PSP domain after strong customer authentication
  • App-to-app redirection not taken into account in the context of strong authentication when performed with a mobile application
  • Lack of identification of deferred debit cards
  • No fluid app-to-app redirect path
  • Various issues related to payment initiation.

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