AI in the workplace: Shaping the next generation

Written By

furat ashraf module
Furat Ashraf


I am a partner in the International HR Services group in London. I provide strategic and practical solutions for clients on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious employment matters.

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Olivia Baxendale

Professional Support Lawyer

I am the professional support lawyer in Bird & Bird's International HR Services Group in London. I play a key role in keeping colleagues and clients ahead of the curve with employment law developments and market trends.

charles hill Module
Charles Hill


I advise on a wide range of contentious and non-contentious employment matters at Bird & Bird. I have experience of acting for a range of companies and individuals involved in complex employment legal and HR issues.

International Employment experts Charles Hill, Furat Ashraf and Olivia Baxendale provided invaluable insight on the trending topic of AI in the workplace and how this revolutionary technology is shaping the next generation of employees in the May 2024 issue of PLC Magazine.

In the article, our team breaks down the key legal risks and considerations for employers surrounding the use of AI in the workplace, with a focus on the following key topics:

  • The current UK legal framework governing the use of AI in the workplace.
  • How employees are using GenAI tools in the performance of their roles, the risks this can expose the employer to, and how employee use of these tools can be regulated by contract.
  • How employers are using algorithmic decision-making tools in recruitment and workforce management, and how this may engage UK equality legislation.
  • The possible future of regulation of AI in an employment context.

The team also reflect on the fact that as legal frameworks and internal company policies take shape, both employers and employees must remain vigilant and adaptable to ensure that the benefits of AI are harnessed responsibly and fairly.

Visit our dedicated webpages to learn more about our International HR Services and Generative AI capabilities.

This article first appeared in the May 2024 issue of PLC Magazine

You can read the full article here 

Or view the pdf version here

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