International HR Services team contributes to IEL - Lessons from Tesco's "fire and rehire" Supreme Court loss

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Olivia Baxendale

Professional Support Lawyer

The Supreme Court has blocked supermarket giant Tesco from being able to fire and rehire a group of distribution centre employees by restoring an injunction over a contract dispute – more info can be found here.

International HR Services Senior Associate Rob Collier-Wright and Professional Support Lawyer Olivia Baxendale provide commentary on International Employment Lawyer's article: Lessons from Tesco’s “fire and rehire” Supreme Court loss.

“The wider impact of this case remains to be seen, but for now, it may not materially affect employers’ ability to change terms and conditions, including by way of ‘fire and rehire’, save where the contractual entitlements subject to the changes are expressly stated to be permanent”.

Read the whole article on International Employment Lawyer's website here (membership required).

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