Regulatory Denmark

Office details

Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab
Kalkbrænderiløbskaj 8
2100 Copenhagen

T: +45 72 24 12 12
F: +45 72 24 12 13


Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab is a limited liability partnership registered under the business registration no. 35 14 45 01. 

Regulatory authority

The regulatory authority in Denmark is the General Council of Danish Bars (in Danish: "Advokatrådet") which supervise that lawyers comply with the Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society (in Danish: "De advokatetiske regler"). 

Professional titles and jurisdiction

The Danish lawyers at Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab have been admitted to practice law by the Danish Minister of Justice and the non-Danish lawyers are registered with the Danish Bar and Law Society. All our lawyers are thus members of the Danish Bar and Law Society and are subject to the rules of the Danish Administration of Justice Act (in Danish: "Retsplejeloven") and the Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society (in Danish: "De advokatetiske regler"), including the rules on client accounts.

Professional regulations

The General Counsel of Danish Bars (in Danish; "Advokatrådet") has issued a Code of Conduct for the Danish Bar and Law Society (in Danish; "De advokatetiske regler") stipulating the Danish legal industry's requirements for Danish lawyers practising law as regards their professional standards and business ethics. Please visit the Danish Bar and Law Society's website for more information.

Value Added Tax

DK 35 14 45 01.

Conflicts of interest

In accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society and our internal rules, we assess whether there is a conflict of interest or loyalty, before taking on a client and/or a matter. 


We have taken out a liability insurance and have provided a guarantee in accordance with the rules of the Danish Bar and Law Society. The liability insurance covers any legal assistance, irrespective of where such assistance is provided. The partners and staff who are not licensed to practise law are also covered by our liability insurance. The name and contact details of our primary insurer is Codan Forsikring A/S, Gammel Kongevej 60, 1790 Copenhagen V, Denmark, business reg. no. 10 52 96 38.


Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab has client account facilities in Jyske Bank. 

We only use respected Danish banks for deposits of client money. We are not, however, responsible for the solvency of the bank. Pursuant to the amendment of June 2015, deposits on a law firm's client account are no longer guaranteed and are thus subject to the same rules as ordinary bank accounts with a coverage maximum of EUR 100,000 per client. The maximum coverage is calculated on the basis of each individual bank per client and encompasses the client's deposits in its own bank accounts, in separate client accounts and in the client pooling account.

General terms of business

Any dispute relating to our legal services will be resolved according to our general Terms of Business or any engagement letter concluded with the client. Our Terms of Business are available in English (click here to download the PDF version) and in Danish (click here to download the PDF version).

Bird & Bird Advokatpartnerselskab complies with the Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society (in Danish: "De advokatetiske regler").

The current Code of Conduct of the Danish Bar and Law Society in force at any time is available on the website of the Danish Bar and Law Society –

Choice of law and venue

Any dispute arising from our counselling is governed by Danish Law, except where the engagement extends to services of an affiliate.

Any dispute arising from our counseling or our general Terms of Business and Engagement Letter must be settled by the City Court of Copenhagen as the court of first instance.


Bird & Bird continuously strives at ensuring the optimal quality of the services we render, for example, by maintaining and developing our internal quality control system with instructions, guidelines, checklists etc. If our services do not fulfil your expectations, please do not hesitate to inform us. We have a written complaints procedure and can supply you with a copy thereof on request. Further information hereon is stated on our website under 'Legal Notices'. Furthermore, you are entitled at any time to refer a claim to the Disciplinary Board (Advokatnævnet) of the Danish Bar & Law Society, 

Kronprinsessegade 28, 1306 Copenhagen K,,

The Disciplinary Board (Advokatnævnet) of the Danish Bar & Law Society handles complaints regarding lawyers’ fees and conduct.