Regulatory Japan

Bird & Bird practices in Japan through Bird & Bird Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo Houritsu Jimusho, a foreign law joint enterprise formed by Bird & Bird Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi Jimusho, an affiliated business of Bird & Bird LLP, and a qualified bengoshi lawyer under the Act on Special Measures Concerning the Handling of Legal Services by Foreign Lawyers.

The partners and associates based in Japan of Bird & Bird Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo Houritsu Jimusho comprise Japanese lawyers (Bengoshi), registered foreign lawyers (Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi) and unregistered foreign lawyers.

Bengoshi and Gaikokuho Jimu Bengoshi are registered with and regulated by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and their relevant local bar associations. Unregistered foreign lawyers are not permitted to provide legal advice to clients.