Regulatory Netherlands


Bird & Bird (Netherlands) LLP is an affiliated business of Bird & Bird LLP. Bird & Bird (Netherlands) LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales with registered number OC425818. Its registered office and principal place of business in the United Kingdom is at 12 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1JP. In relation to Bird & Bird (Netherlands) LLP, the word “partner” is used to refer to a member or to an employee or consultant who has equivalent standing and qualifications.

Professional titles and jurisdiction

Members of Bird & Bird (Netherlands) LLP practising in the Netherlands bear the title Advocaat or Notaris in the Netherlands.

Regulatory authority

Advocaten are regulated by the Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (The Dutch Bar Association).

Notarissen are regulated by the Koninklijke Notariële Beroepsorganisatie (The Royal Dutch Organisation of Civil Law Notaries).

In addition, consultants or employees in the firm who are Belastingadviseurs (tax advisers) are regulated by the Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs (The Dutch Association of Tax Advisers).

Professional regulations

Professional regulations may be viewed:

Value Added Tax

The Netherlands NL 8598.10.938B01

Register of legal areas

The register of legal areas can be found here