International law firm Bird & Bird has assisted the shareholders of CPC - Center for Product Customization ApS (CPC) - with the sale to PDSVISION Group, which is backed by the private equity fund, CapMan. By acquiring CPC, PDSVISION bolsters its professional service offerings and marks a significant step in the company’s global expansion strategy.
CPC is a commercial, and highly successful, spin-off from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Since 2007, CPC has helped businesses across Europe, United States, Latin America, India and East Asia to increase their competitiveness through Modular Architectures and complexity reduction. CPC has operational experience within modularity, complexity management, configuration, modular architectures, PLM and product data management from a vast range of consultancy projects carried out within Nordic and International industrial companies. Combined with close international collaboration with universities, CPC develops and provides cutting-edge methodology compatible with system engineering to meet the requirements of companies in the most competitive situations.
PDS Vision Group (PDSVISION) is a global provider of solutions and services focused on helping companies successfully navigate a journey of digital transformation. PDSVISION specializes in delivering software and services around 3D Design (CAD), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Simulation Modeling (CAE), Internet of Things (IoT), and Augmented Reality (AR). The group is headquartered in Sweden and has operations in Finland, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Great Britain and the US.
The Bird & Bird team was led by partner Mette Mernø Hans Jakobsen, with assistance from associates Kristoffer Saceanu Saugman and Magnus Holm Pedersen.