Today, Dutch Minister Kamp of Economic Affairs has sent a Bill holding an Amendement of the Dutch Electricity Act (Timely Realisation Targets Sustainable Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth) to the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer). This Bill contains selected provisions of the proposal for the Electricity and Gas Act which was rejected by the Dutch Senate on 22nd December 2015. In particular, this Bill is critical for offshore wind, as Minister Kamp has repeatedly stated: With the rejection of the proposal for the Electricity and Gas Act, there is no statutory basis for the offshore grid, nor for the appointment of TenneT as the offshore transmission system operator; Thus the targets to reach 14% renewable energy in 2020 and 16% in 2023 cannot be achieved.
Minister Kamp is currently aiming for 1st April 2016 as the ultimate date for the Bill to enter into force. If that is the case, the first tender for the sites Borssele I and II will close at the beginning of May 2016.
The second tender would therefore close at the end of September 2016.
If the Bill will be approved by Parliament before the end of March 2016 publication of the final site decisions for Borssele I and II is expected in April 2016. Interested parties that have submitted a written view with regard to the drafts of the site decisions will from then have a six week period to appeal against one or both decisions at the Dutch Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (as set out in our Newsletter dated 21 December 2015 [view here]).
On 28th January 2016, Minister Kamp published the preparatory decisions for the location Hollandse Kust (zuid). The development of the Hollandse Kust location will follow the Borssele site I to V. The Hollandse Kust location will be split up into sites I, II, II and IV. At present, preparation of sites I and II has begun. Once these sites are officially designated, then site decisions for Hollandse Kust II and IV will follow.
Minister Kamp has succeeded in receiving the Opinion of the Dutch Council of State with regard to this Bill within the scheduled time. Thus the envisaged completion of the tenders for the Borssele site in 2016 is still within reach.