A detailed examination by the twoBirds Pattern team of the 3G and 4G standard essential patents licensed through Avanci indicates that the platform is the dominant player in both markets

Written By

matthew noble module
Matthew Noble


I am head of Patent Intelligence and a partner at Bird & Bird LLP, as well as the founder of twoBirds Pattern, Bird & Bird's patent intelligence consultancy offering.

richard vary module
Richard Vary


I specialise in patent disputes in the technology and communications industry.

The twoBirds Pattern team have carried out an investigation into the 3G and 4G market share of the portfolio licensed through Avanci to demonstrate the ways in which cellular portfolios can be analysed, beyond simply counting patent families declared to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

This article was first published on the 10th August by IAM online.

The analysis relied on data provided by PA Consulting to count only those families which have been assessed to be essential to the relevant standard generation. The intention was to overcome some of the issues inherent in simply counting declared patent families, as such metrics are limited in their ability to account for variations in patent family value and essentiality rates between companies. A detailed examination of the 3G and 4G standard essential patents licensed through Avanci indicates that the platform is the dominant player in both markets and that Avanci holds higher 3G and 4G market shares than have been reported previously.

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