adly rizal Mobile

Adly Rizal Bin Said

Senior Associate

About Me

I am an associate in our Dispute Resolution Practice Group in Singapore. I have a keen interest in complex commercial disputes as well as insolvency & restructuring matters and have acted for both local and international clients across various industries, assisting them in every way possible to overcome the matter at hand.

In the course of my legal career as a disputes lawyer, I have had the privilege of advising and acting for clients across various industries such as banking & finance, food & beverages, telecommunications, aviation and technology.

I have assisted clients in facing a myriad of disputes ranging from contractual claims, employment disputes, landlord & tenant disputes as well as claims in tort. I have also had experience in representing clients in matters relating to the laws of insolvency in Singapore.

My experience has brought me before all levels of the Singapore Courts and has also given me the opportunity to guide clients through the process of mediation before the Singapore Mediation Centre.

Through the work that I have done, I have gained a deeper and better appreciation for the need to understand the nuances of the various industries that clients operate in so as to be in a more informed position to develop strategies for dealing with the issues at hand whilst also keeping the clients' best interests at the heart of the decision-making process.
  • Represented a local trading house in what was a series of attempts by a debtor to avail himself to the Individual Voluntary Arrangement and successfully obtained a dismissal of the debtor's appeal before the Court of Appeal to overturn the decision of the High Court to revoke the approval which he had obtained at the creditors' meeting for his Individual Voluntary Arrangement. ([2019] 2 SLR 164)
  • Represented a food court operator in successfully striking out a claim for misrepresentation and wrongful repudiation by a former stall operator and whilst the matter went on appeal before a High Court judge in chambers as well as the Court of Appeal, the appeals were also dismissed. This matter proved the importance carefully worded entire agreement clauses which would effectively deprive any pre-contractual or collateral agreement of any legal effect. ([2019] SGHC 60)
  • Advised and assisted a client in the aviation industry in reaching a settlement, after several rounds of negotiations, with a former business partner wherein the dispute surrounded the client's usage of an aircraft that was part of the business venture between the parties and where careful consideration towards the client's interests was required to achieve the best possible commercial outcome.


  • LLB (Hons), University of Bristol (2014)


  • Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore (2018)

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