About Me

I am Of Counsel in our Dispute Resolution practice in Rome, where I work as a litigator and a leading dispute resolution expert at national and international level.

With extensive experience of domestic and international litigation, my practice covers torts, contracts, commercial, corporate, IP, IT, patents, trade marks, life sciences, consumer, employment, antitrust, regulatory, bankruptcy, group litigation, class actions and arbitration.

I am Professor of Civil Procedure and Director of the Post-Graduate School for the Legal Professions at the University of Urbino, and act as a partner in a number of EU-funded research projects. In addition, I am the editor and referee of several first-rank law reviews, a reporter at national and international scientific congresses, and an expert adviser to both Italian and foreign government institutions.

I am a published author in five different languages in 10 different countries, including the books 'Studi sulle class actions' (1996), 'Le dichiarazioni di rinuncia nel giudizio di cognizione' (1999), 'Il processo del lavoro' (2001), 'Saggi sulle tutele dell'impresa e dall'impresa' (2007), 'Azioni collettive risarcitorie nel processo civile' (2008), 'La conciliazione collettiva' (2009), 'Il processo industriale' (2012), 'Corso di diritto processuale delle imprese' (2015), 'Efficienza della giustizia civile e culture della riforma' (2017), 'Cross-border enforcement of monetary claims' (2018).

I have written numerous articles including 'Enter the Damage Class Action in European Law: Heading Towards Justice on a Bus', 28 Civil Justice Quarterly 2009, 132, and 'Proof of Causation in Group Litigation', in 17 Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess International 2012, 65.


  • Università di Bologna, Ph.D in Comparative Civil Procedure
  • Università degli Studi di Pavia, J.D.


  • Ordine Degli Avvocati di Milano (Milan Bar Association) in 1992

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