About Me

I'm a partner in our Dispute Resolution Group based in London and I help clients to handle complex litigation and other challenges relating to their contracts, their information or their reputation.

I've grown up as a lawyer in the era of convergence of media and tech, and I've worked in businesses impacted by this evolution. My practice today reflects that. I advise global technology and media companies, and fast-growth digital businesses, on the issues they face as they adapt or expand to keep ahead of the competition.

I'm an experienced trial litigator, but work with my clients from a far earlier stage of the risk lifecycle, before disputes are brewing — using my knowledge of the industries in which they operate to help identify potential threats and take action to protect their brand, core values and commercial goals.

I assist a broad spectrum of TMT businesses, including broadcasters, publishers, web operators, content owners, IT providers and software companies with all aspects of commercial litigation, and have particular expertise in disputes relating to:

Data: I assist clients with data breach/cyber incident response, and follow-on litigation. I also defend claims brought in relation to other breaches of data protection law, including those based on the right to erasure.
Content: litigation related to the creation, distribution and exploitation of traditional and online content is on the rise and I help clients manage these disputes. I also regularly advise on notice and takedown requests and post-publication matters.
Distressed technology projects: where a project (whether IT outsourcing, telecoms, software/system development or other) is suffering from delay, defects or failure to meet KPIs, I work with clients to achieve an optimal resolution.

I also have significant experience assisting clients in handling corporate crises, including advising on reputation management strategies.
  • US and UK listed companies: acted for co-licensors of chemical engineering technology in a trade secrets claim against a Chinese state owned enterprise in an SCC arbitration seated in Stockholm under English law. The matter went to trial where we secured an award of damage in the sum of US$100 million for our clients.
  • National Retailer: managed the fall-out from a data breach caused when our client's systems were hacked. Provided guidance in relation to internal incident investigation, corporate reputation management issues, supplier cooperation and potential liability claims.
  • Leading broadcasting organisation: negotiating a successful resolution to a dispute arising out of the failure of an £100m IT project that our client had outsourced to deliver its digital transformation goals.
  • Risk intelligence business: advising our client on complex right to erasure requests and associated damages claims brought under the GDPR & DPA 2018.
  • Multi-national restaurant chain: advising on various reputation management issues, including negotiating content of adverse media coverage and obtaining urgent injunctions to prevent publication of sensitive information (including undercover video footage).


  • University of Cambridge, Law
  • Oxford Institute of Legal Practice, LPC


  • The Law Society of England & Wales in 2008
Testimonials Carousel Megaphone


Recommended Lawyer for Media and Entertainment

Legal 500 UK 2023

'Bryony Hurst and Phil Sherrill are both excellent lawyers. As a non-UK lawyer, I know that I can contact them with difficult questions and they will provide timely and practical solutions. It gives me great confidence to know that I can contact them when in need.'

The Legal 500 UK 2022: Recommended Lawyer for Media and Entertainment (including Media Finance)

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