About Me

I am an associate in our Banking and Financial Services Group in Milan. I focus on the banking and financial services sector, providing regulatory advice to banks and financial intermediaries.

I specialise in banking and financial services regulation as well as company law. I advise our clients on a wide range of issues, providing support, both in extrajudicial settings and in court proceedings.

I assist the legal and compliance functions of banks and investments firms in the review of their internal processes in order to update them to the new requirements provided by laws and regulations.

I advise on a wide range of capital market transactions, including domestic and international offers of debt and equity instruments, and public tender offers. In particular, I have gained valuable knowledge on banking capital structures (according to Basel framework, CRR and CRD IV) and the new bank recovery and resolution regime (BRRD), providing legal opinions to credit institutions and/or their stakeholders. Furthermore, I advised on several aspects of the SSM framework.

I also provide legal advice to primary financial operators and their directors in administrative sanctioning proceedings before national supervisory authorities (Banca d'Italia and Consob) and national courts for alleged violation of laws and regulations.

Before joining Bird & Bird in 2017, I worked for two other law firms and completed an internship at the Bank of Italy, where I worked in the Segreteria Tecnica dell'Arbitro Bancario e Finanziario. I speak English fluently, in addition to my native Italian.
  • Advising a bank shareholders with regard to the feasibility of the repurchase of Tier 2 instuments, within a capital strengthening process.
  • Advising an Italian bank in implementing the EBA and ESMA provide guidance to assess the suitability of management body members and key function holders.
  • Assisting several primary financial operators and their directors in administrative sanctioning proceedings before Banca d'Italia and Consob and national courts for alleged violation of laws and regulations.


  • Università degli Studi di Verona, Advance Graduated Course in Banking Law
  • Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Ph.D, Company Law
  • University of Leicester, PhD visiting student, Banking and Company Law
  • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Master's Degree, Laurea Specialistica in Giurisprudenza
  • Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Bachelor's Degree, Laurea Triennale in Scienze Giuridiche


  • Ordine Degli Avvocati di Modena (Modena Bar Association) in 2016

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