florian piehler Mobile

Florian Piehler, LL.M (Duke)


About Me

I am an attorney in our Munich office and part of the Dispute Resolution practice group. The focus of my work is on complex domestic and transnational disputes involving national and international companies before national courts and in arbitration proceedings. In particular, the emphasis is on supply chain and other contractual issues in the automotive and other manufacturing industry.

I advise our clients on all issues and phases of disputes, both out of court and in court, as well as in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceedings. Due to my focus in my studies on civil procedure law and my training as a business mediator, I specialised in conflict resolution at an early stage.

Through my affiliation with Bird & Bird's Automotive Sector Group, the core focus of my practice is disputes along the supply chains of automotive suppliers such as warranty, price adjustment and contractual liability issues. More recently, I have been increasingly involved in software-related disputes. I also have experience in handling mass claims.

Before joining our firm, I worked as a research associate at the University of Regensburg and as an attorney in a smaller law firm.
  • Representing German Tier 2 supplier in ICC arbitration over software dispute.
  • Advising various global automotive suppliers on termination options under framework supply and development agreements with OEMs.
  • Representing a leading Tier 1 supplier in arbitration proceedings against an OEM on the issue of contractually owed delivery capacities and the scope of contractual change clauses.
  • Advising several global automotive suppliers regarding price adjustment claims against.
  • Defending a major technology company against, inter alia, claims for damages in connection with a data breach.


  • Legal studies at the University of Regensburg with a concentration on German and international civil procedure law
  • Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation and the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation
  • Legal clerkship in Regensburg, during the legal clerkship training as a business mediator
  • Post-graduate studies at Duke University (LL.M.)


  • Admitted to the German bar since 2021

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