About Me

I am an associate in our Financing & Financial Regulation practice group based in Frankfurt. My day-to-day work consists of advising German and international companies in all areas of banking and finance law. One focus of my work is asset finance, with a particular emphasis on rail, as well as real estate, acquisition and corporate finance. I also advise on sustainable infrastructure investments in the energy and transportation sectors.

My expertise enables me to provide clients, together with my colleagues, with comprehensive legal advice and to work with them to establish a long-term and sound legal framework for achieving their business goals.

As a qualified bank clerk, it is easy for me to recognise the needs and requirements on both sides of a transaction. I have also gained experience in financial development aid in Latin America and at a banking association.

I completed my legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Baden-Baden with stages in law firms in Frankfurt/Main and Madrid.


  • Admitted to the bar in Frankfurt am Main since March 2024.

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