About Me

As senior tax Counsel in our Tax group in Stockholm, I specialise in international tax, entrepreneur tax issues, migration and litigations in the tax courts.

I have long-standing expertise in tax, having been head of PwC's tax group in Sweden and a legal expert at the Swedish Ministry of Finance. I joined Bird & Bird in 2011 from Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag where I was a senior tax adviser.

As one of Sweden's leading tax lawyers in international tax issues for individuals, I often act as adviser to many executives and HNW individuals in Sweden. I am a member of ICC and was the former Chairman of the Swedish Tax Group of the International Chamber of Commerce, as well as a member of its Commission on Taxation. I am also a member of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce Tax Group.

Based on my long experience working in international tax and my availabilty, I am able to meet the needs of my clients in the best way. I am often asked to comment on current tax issues in the media.


  • Stockholms universitet, Jur kand

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