

No steps taken to implement specific BNPL legislation.

Is the country considering regulation?

No. In light of upcoming EU-wide legislative amendments to the Consumer Credit Directive (2008/48EC).

Current state of regulation regarding BNPL?

BNPL agreements fall under “credit”-category within the Finnish law and are treated as such. Finnish regulation differentiates consumer credit from B2B credit.

A New Act on the registration of certain credit providers and credit intermediaries (16.2.2023/186) entered into force on 1 July 2023. The Act applies to businesses that grant consumer loans that fall within the scope of chapter 7 or 7a of the Consumer Protection Act (38/1978). The provisions of the Consumer Protection Act apply also to peer-to-peer loans. 

Outline the proposals to change regulation?


What if any will be the consequences of BNPL legislation on merchants, brokers and consumers.

Existing requirements will continue to apply.