
Have any regulations or guidelines already been implemented?

There is no regulation or guideline concerning the extended liability of textile producers.

The new guidelines have been implemented in the Notice on Waste (“affaldsbekendtgørelsen” – Executive Order no 2512 of 10 December 2021) which came into force on 1 January 2022.

Is there any upcoming relevant legislation or guidelines? 

What is the timeline for implementation?

It is currently discussed in the Danish Parliament whether a new bill regarding an increased product liability for the textile industry should be composed.

No later than 1 July 2023 all municipalities in Denmark must also establish collection of textile arrangement so that all households, including companies, are able to sort textiles.

What are the general rules?

No general rules concerning the extended liability of textile producers.
The general rule is that all municipalities in Denmark must ensure that the households and companies can sort textiles. Meaning that the municipality must ensure that it is possible to have a separate dust bin in their household/company which is being emptied/collected by the waste collector.

What are the products involved?

Currently, the products involved are outworn textiles such as clothes, towels and curtains that are holed, worn, stained or otherwise damaged. The textile waste does not include shoes, belts, and bags as well as recyclable clothing and textiles. This are being recycled in other dumpsters (e.g., from the Red Cross).

What are the enforcement measures and sanctions in case of violation?

There are no enforcement measures and sanctions introduced for the producers of textile waste.

It is the local municipality and at the end the National Agency of Environmental Protection that are having the supervisory control of the enforcement of the rules on separate waste.
Both the municipality and the National Agency of Environmental Protection can order than the rules are being followed.

In case of continuously violation, a fine can be issued.

Which are the responsible authorities or bodies?

At the end it is the National Agency of Environmental Protection.