
Have any regulations or guidelines already been implemented?

There is no regulation or guideline concerning the extended liability of textile producers.

Is there any upcoming relevant legislation or guidelines? 

What is the timeline for implementation?

On 2 February 2021, the Ministry of the Environment (MASE) has announced that a draft Decree on EPR is ready. A consultation phase has now been launched with the main stakeholders of the industry and will last until 3 March 2023.

What are the general rules?

According to what has been communicated by the MASE, the main provisions of the Decree will be the following:

- producers will be responsible for financing and organising the collection, preparation for re-use, recycling, and recovery of textile waste, also through collective or individual management systems;

- producers will have to arrange suitable financial and organisational means to set up, through management systems and in agreement with the relevant bodies, a nationwide textile waste collection network, as well as "selective collection systems to increase the quality of textile fractions”;

- the Decree will also provide for the payment of an “environmental contribution”, which shall not, however, exceed the costs necessary to provide the waste management service and shall "encourage innovation oriented towards circular economy models";.

- producers will have to develop, produce, and market products "suitable for re-use and repair, containing recycled materials, technically durable and easily repairable";

- specific eco-design measures are identified, such as (i) the use of biocompatible textile fibres and natural materials, (ii) the elimination of hazardous components and substances also with reference to microplastics released into the environment, (iii) the reduction of product quality defects that lead consumers to discard them (iv) the use of fibre and fabric blending techniques that favour adaptability to various uses and reparability;

- the Decree will also introduce specific provisions on the research, development, and use of advanced technologies for sorting fibres from waste treatment and for recycling;

- the Decree will also refer to a 'digital labelling' system to describe the characteristics and fibrous composition of textiles as well as to highlight the possible presence of non-textile parts of animal origin in the products.

In order to guarantee the necessary coordination of separate collection activities, a Coordination Centre for Textile Recycling (CORIT) will also be established, consisting of all the individual and collective management systems recognised by the MASE.

What are the products involved?

Not announced yet.

What are the enforcement measures and sanctions in case of violation?

Not announced yet.

Which are the responsible authorities or bodies?

Not announced yet.