Why is Greenwashing Relevant to the Aviation Sector?

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Dr. Constantin Eikel


I am an expert in the field of trademark law, for all questions concerning advertising and unfair competition law, copyright law and trade secrets. In the field of advertising law, I regularly provide guidance on questions of environmental advertising.

Greenwashing refers to the act of making 'green claims' without actually being green, or using green claims to cover up a bigger issue which could have legal consequences and cause reputational damage.

Recently climate activists have been campaigning in major European cities by publishing fake adverts regarding leading aviation companies to make harsh claims about how they are harming the environment, which has caused consumers to ask why these companies are not doing more. This is also a relevant topic for those in the aviation sector, as claims can be made regarding adverts used to attract investment and new employees.

In this video, Constantin Eikel discusses what aviation companies could be doing more of when it comes to greenwashing.

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