Bird & Bird rekomendowany w rankingu Chambers Global Guide 2020

Warszawskie biuro kancelarii zostało wyróżnione przez międzynarodowy ranking Chambers Global Guide 2020 w kategorii własność intelektualna. Aż sześciu prawników otrzymało w tegorocznej edycji indywidualne wyróżnienia.

Praktyka własności intelektualnej awansowała w zestawieniu o jedno miejsce w górę w stosunku do roku poprzedniego – do band 2.

Wyróżnienia indywidualne otrzymali:

Ranking Chambers Global Guide tworzony jest na podstawie ocen wystawianych kancelariom i prawnikom przez klientów w oparciu o zadowolenie z obsługi i zrealizowane projekty.

Serdecznie dziękujemy za rekomendacje.

Poniżej przedstawiamy cytaty z rankingu:

Praktyka własności intelektualnej – band 2

Advances in the rankings as a result of positive market feedback and growing reputation. Widely respected practice group with noteworthy experience of IP-related litigation, including trade marks and patents. Further areas of focus include trade mark portfolio and brand management. Also able in anti-counterfeit enforcement. Boasts a clientele drawn from a wide range of sectors, spanning manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, IT and food and drink. Benefits from the firm's specialised international network.

Wyróżnienia indywidualne:

Tomasz Zalewski is best known for advising on copyrights, particularly in relation to technology clients, as well as IP rights infringement. Clients describe him as practical.

Paweł Bajno is best known for his activity on private equity deals and also assists with general M&A mandates. Sources repeatedly highlight his solid reputation.

Paweł Lipski advises clients on e-commerce and trade mark matters. Clients highlight his innovative style, one extolling his offer of "creativity and individual approach to a problem."

Piotr Dynowski is highly regarded for his track record in handling complex contentious patent cases. "He has acquired considerable practice and experience in patent litigation work," a source reports. He also assists with broader IP rights infringement cases, relating to trade marks and other IP rights.

Sławomir Szepietowski advises on various regulatory issues within the banking and finance sector, including in relation to new technologies. He also regularly assists with general financing matters.

Marta Koremba advises on trade mark protection, including infringement and portfolio management for clients drawn from sectors as varied as sports and pharmaceuticals. A client describes her as a "very good leader," further elaborating: "If I don't have time to make a decision, she will make one for me. She's always available when I need her. That's what I like about her."

Pełna wersja rankingu dostępna jest tutaj.

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