Nasz zespół FinTech najlepszy w rankingu Chambers FinTech Legal 2021

Powtarzając ubiegłoroczny sukces, warszawskie biuro Bird & Bird zostało ponownie liderem w dziedzinie FinTech w najnowszym rankingu Chambers FinTech Legal, a Sławomir Szepietowski i Kuba Ruiz kolejny raz znaleźli się w gronie czołowych polskich ekspertów FinTech.

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Poniżej przedstawiamy opinie opublikowane w tegorocznej edycji Chambers FinTech Legal:

What the team is known for Bird & Bird is renowned globally for its expertise in technology, and that is the case in Poland. Operating out of Warsaw, the firm is highly adept at providing solutions to clients facing difficulties with regulation related to financial services, or with issues that may arise when implementing a major IT project such as introducing cloud computing for an incumbent institution. The firm regularly cooperates with local industry associations The Heart Warsaw and the FinTech Poland Foundation.


"Whether it's banking outsourcing, personal data or PSD2 regulation, the team is extremely knowledgeable and up to speed with all the newest developments. They have a great interest in the biggest challenges and an adept understanding of the right business approach to legal matters. They are surely the best team in the Polish market." "They're highly involved in solving problems that new FinTech businesses are facing in Poland. We were trying to invent a totally new process to bring to the market, and Bird & Bird's deep understanding of Polish law allowed us to solve any problems we had."

Sławomir Szepietowski is managing partner of the Warsaw office, as well as head of the banking and finance team. Szepietowski is adept at guiding international FinTech startups on entry into the Polish market, as well as helping incumbents and investment funds with corporate governance or regulatory matters. Sources praise him as an "active member in expert peer groups we know of" and "a best-in-class adviser." One source says: "Slawomir is excellent at building rapport with his counterpart in negotiations. He has a phenomenal attitude and chooses to go beyond the normal scope of the mandate. He doesn't narrow down the variables to just what's been agreed; he steps beyond that if needed."

Kuba Ruiz is an IT, commercial and dispute resolution expert who is considered "an expert in payments law." A variety of sources praise his capabilities in securing good deals on behalf of his clients, with one saying: "Kuba is absolutely worth recognition by the market. If I'm thinking about Bird & Bird and FinTech's development in Poland, Kuba is the one who springs to mind."

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